Breed history:
It is a very old breed. It appears that the ancestor is the Pharaoh Hound brought from Egypt by Phoenician merchants. By crossbreedings and repeated selections between local dogs and the Pharaoh Hound dogs the specimens of today were obtained .
Dog with the Greyhound's classical line, with a light stature and a square shape. The head is soft, triangular, with a long, thin muzzle and a skin-coloured nose. The eyes are small, slightly egg-shaped and greyish. The ears are triangular, rather big, stiff and erect. The tail is thin, long and carried low, with the tip curved at rest and carried high, over the back when alert. The fur has short, fine hair, close to the body, of any shade of red, sometimes with a white spot (very rare).
It is an intelligent, quiet, friendly dog. It is very affectionate and devoted to its master, loving and patient with children and strangers are announced by barking. It is cautious with other dogs, but it gets along well with those of the same breed. It will have no problems with household animals, but unknown animals are not accepted.
During the shedding period the fur will be brushed with a rubber glove, to remove dead hair.
Living conditions:
This dog feels best in a yard, in a fenced space, where it can run as much as it wishes, with an active family. It can also adapt to a flat, if it has at least one hour of daily exercise, running by a bike. It can run away from its master or it can jump over the fence if it is not high enough, when it catches the scent of prey. It needs socialization and training.
It is an easy to train dog. The training must be gentle, consistent and well-balanced.
It is a hunting dog, but also a devoted companion.
African Bush Dog, African Not-Barking Dog, Ango Angari, Congo Dog, Zande Dog