Breed history:
This breed was developed in the 12th and 13th century through the crossbreeding of the Hungarian Puli with the German and French sheepdogs.
It's a medium-sized dog, with a square and muscular body. The head is moderately long with a rounded skull, a long muzzle and a black nose. The eyes are slightly slanting and brown, the ears are V-shaped, medium-sized, straight, tipped forward and covered with rough, bushy hair. The long tail is kept horizontally and curved at the tip. The hair is rough, curly, forming tufts but not cords. It can have the following colors: silver grey, black, white, black, reddish-brown with or without white areas (preferably without patches).
Its a very active, jolly, daring, clever, noisy dog with an excellent sense of smell. It is devoted to and affectionate with the family, but shy and reserved with strangers. If socialized at an early age with children, it will get along well with them if they don't tease it too much, same goes with household animals.
It needs weekly brushing and more intense during the shedding period.
Living conditions:
It is a dog resistant to weather changes. Its happy next to a very active master, who always gives it something to do, because it is a workaholic. The ideal place for this dog is a farm where it would fit right in. It needs socialization, training, organized activity and exercise.
It's a dog relatively easy to train. It is smart, intelligent and easily understands what is asked of it. Being a loud dog it needs to be thought when to be quiet.
It was raised for guarding and herding cattle. Today it is also used in hunting, as a watchdog or as a companion dog.