Airedale Terrier
Airedale, King of Terriers, Waterside Terrier, Bingley Terrier
Breed history:
The Amstaff’s ancestors are from England, but this breed was developed independently in America for 60 years until AKC changed the name of the breed. It has the same descendent as the APBT (American Pit Bull Terrier). It is the result of the cross-breeding between the Bulldog and different Terriers (White English Terrier, Black and Tan Terrier, Fox Terrier). At the end of the 19th century, Staffordshire Bull Terriers were brought to the USA by colonists. Here they were carefully selected, obtaining the Amstaff, that differs from its English relative, being taller and having a heavier and more massive body.
It is a medium-sized, strong, brawny, well-built, agile and graceful dog. The body is compact, short and wide. It has a large head with a broad skull of medium-length and a rounded muzzle. It has prominent jaws and a black nose. The eyes are black, far apart and deeply set. The ears are erect or semi-erect and placed high in the shape of a rose petal. The legs are short and distant due to its wide, deep chest. The un-docked tail is short and with a pointed tip. The fur is short, straight, shiny and rough. Can have any color except pure white, but the most common are black, brown and dark red with lighter areas.
This dog is energetical, brave, loyal, caring, loud, stubborn and dominant. It is very devoted to its master and family. It's friendly and gentle with children and can be a good family member. It is aggressive with other dogs of the same gender and most of the dogs from this breed will get along only with specimens of the opposite sex. It will accept cats and other animals from the household, if it has been socialized with them. If it hasn’t been properly trained, it will have the tendency to fight with other dogs.
This breed doesn't require special care. Dead hair will be removed from time to time with a rubber brush or glove.
Living conditions:
It is a dog with a high level of activity and feels best in a well-fenced yard, with an active family, with experience in raising dogs. He likes to run by a bike, to play with the ball, to play fetch, to swim and to dig. It can also get used to living in a flat, if he gets daily walks and exercise. It excels in agility and training competitions. It shouldn't be kept in strong sunlight.
Mandatory training is required from an early age. As a pup it must be thought not to pull while leashed, to avoid this problem when it grows up because it will have great strengh and will be harder to control. It is an intelligent, nimble dog, which understands very fast what is required of it. Trained from an early age, it can accumulate a lot more information and great results can be achieved. It shouldn't be trained to attack, because it has an innate aggressive character.
It was mostly used in America, during the World Wars, appearing on the posters of that period, symbolizing courage. A famous dog - Stubby, which took part in the war with France, in the First World War, was the most decorated dog in military history. It is much used as a watchdog and as a companion.
Airedale, King of Terriers, Waterside Terrier, Bingley Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier, American Stafforshire Bull Terrier