Breed history:
It is an old English breed known for many centuries. It was very appreciated by Queen Elisabeth who owned a pack of these dogs, but the smaller version called the Pocket Beagle. In the 17th century, the breed was improved through crossbreeding with the Terrier, obtaining the specimens of today. It is very common in England, France, USA.
It is a medium-sized, slightly longer than taller dog, with a proportioned and harmonious body. The skull is slightly curved and wide with a medium lengh, square muzzle and a black nose. The eyes are big, set apart, oval and brown coloured. It has big, long, wide, drooping and round-tipped ears. The medium lengh tail is kept high, with a slightly curved tip. The fur has short, bushy, rough hair. Generally the colors are similar to those of the Hounds. It can be bicoloured (white and red in all shades; blue-grey with black spots) or tricoloured (white base, brown head and a black saddle).
This dog is energetic, lively, friendly, brave, intelligent and alert, with an independent nature. Loving and friendly with its master, it easily accepts children and even strangers. It doesn't have problems with other dogs or other animals from the household.
The coat will be brushed regularly to remove dead hairs. The ears should be kept clean.
Living conditions:
This dog feels best outdoors, in an enclosed yard where it can move freely. It can also addapt to a flat next to an active owner, but it needs daily, long walks and runs to burn its energy in order to keep calm in the house (otherwise it will get bored and can start causing household damage). It has a tendency towards obesity if it eats too much. It can run away from its master if it catches the scent of a potential prey. It needs socializing and training.
Being a dog with an independent nature, it is for the best that the training be done by a person with experience and patience. The training must be firm and consistent, without being rough or severe. It must be taught at an early age to respond to the command ,,come’’ so that he doesn't run off on its own.
It is used for hunting rabbits, pheasants, foxes, even bears. It is a good and loving companion dog.