Airedale Terrier
Airedale, King of Terriers, Waterside Terrier, Bingley Terrier
Breed history:
This dog is the result of the crossbreeding between the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Bull Terrier and Whippet. It was developed around Bedlington town (hence the name). It was the miners' favorite dog from that area, especially for its help in hunting rats, badgers, foxes and otters. Initially it was called Rothburry Terrier.
It has a special look, resembling a lamb. It is a medium-sized dog, with a brawny, flexible body and a slightly bent back (carp back). The head is narrow, rounded, pear-shaped, without a stop and pointed towards the muzzle. The eyes are small, triangular and dark. The ears are medium-sized, drooping and with richer hair at the ends like some tassels. The tail is long, tapered, kept low and slightly curved. The fur is characteristic to this breed, a mix of soft, wooly fluff and thick, hard, wavy hair, shaped as curls that don't stick to the body. The coat can be: light blue (more common), blue with brown, yellowish-brown or sand-coloured. The pups are born black or brown.
It is an intelligent, strong, agile, very resistant, cheerful, well-balanced dog. It is quiet in the house and rarely barks. It is devoted to its master, it attaches especially to a single person from the family, it is affectionate and playful with children. It is an independent dog and likes to have fun on its own. Socialized from an early age with other animals and other dogs, it will learn to accept them. The exception is represented by the dominant dogs with whom the Bedlington Terrier will fight with fury.
This dog doesn't shed. Its fur must be combed and brushed frequently. Excessive washing may lead to the disappearance of the curls.
Living conditions:
This dog can adapt to both outdoor life and to life in a flat, if it gets enough daily exercise (walking, running by a bike).
This dog is pretty easy to train because it is smart and learns fast, it is sensitive to the tone of the voice. The training must be firm and consistent. Although it has a medium level of activity, it likes to do daily exercise, to run, to jump.
If in the past it was used for hunting rodents and small-sized wild animals, nowadays this dog is used more as a companion dog.
Airedale, King of Terriers, Waterside Terrier, Bingley Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier, American Stafforshire Bull Terrier